Summerschool “Around the Zilber-Pink conjectures”

Paris, 25 June - 5 July 2012


Useful information
Satellite day
The timetable is now available
Location of the conference: Amphitheater Astier, Esclangon building, Jussieu campus (metro stop Jussieu). Map of the campus and neighhbouring area.

The summerschool aims at describing the state of the art on the Zilber-Pink conjecture, and will feature:

  • three introductory courses, given during the first week (25 - 30 June 2012), on the following topics:
    • Shimura varieties, by C. Cornut (CNRS - Paris 6) and B. Klingler (Paris 7)
    • Heights on algebraic groups, by A. Chambert-Loir (Rennes)
    • Model theory and O-minimality, by T. Scanlon (Berkeley)
  • various activities (mini-courses, lectures, problems sessions, special day) held during both weeks, on semi-abelian varieties and schemes, reductive groups, moduli spaces, Hecke operators, Mumford-Tate groups, special subvarieties and special points, diophantine approximation, the Ax-Schanuel property,...
  • Bas Edixhoven was originally going to give the course on Shimura varieties, but unfortunately had to cancel. Christophe Cornut and Bruno Klingler have kindly accepted to replace him.

    We expect the participation of E. Breuillard, Y. Bilu, M. Carrizosa, P. Habegger, P. Hubschmid, G. Maurin, J. Pila, N. Ratazzi, G. Rémond, D. Rössler, S. Starchenko, M. Thomas, E. Ullmo, A. Yafaev, U. Zannier, B. Zilber.

    Organizing Committee: Nadine Fournaiseau and Marc Hindry (chair), Daniel Bertrand, Zoé Chatzidakis, Sinnou David, Bruno Klingler.

    Scientific Committee: Marc Hindry (chair), Daniel Bertrand, Zoé Chatzidakis, Sinnou David, Bruno Klingler and Jean-Benoit Bost (observer).

    Sponsors: CNRS, UPMC, Paris-Diderot, IMJ, ANR, EC (ERC), Région Ile de France.